November 10, 2020 2022-05-12 6:15Geography
Geography contributes significantly to secondary school education. Through the study of people, place and environment, geography provides students with a solid foundation to construct and integrate the knowledge and concepts from the natural sciences and the humanities.
The aims of this curriculum are to enable student:
- To recognize and understand the arrangement of phenomena and features on Earth as well as the inter-relationship and interaction among people, places and environments from spatial and ecological perspectives;
- To develop geographical skills and basic competencies for further studies and life situations; and
- To apply geographical knowledge and skills acquired for the betterment of individuals, the society, the nation and the world.

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Ever been curious to learn about the systems that affect everyday life? Here’s the answer:
The geography course at has been developed in an extensive manner that can explain various concepts like how water cycle and oceans work and help you get a clarity on how the basic concepts affect the daily life.
Evolution explained:
We have compiled a course which makes you understand how geography was at the past times and the how it has drastically impacted the evolution of people, ideas, and environments.
Understand global interdependence: understands the importance of global interdependence and hence has a course that gives you a better understanding about the limitations of the earth and work toward the betterment of the planet and its habitat.
Study various geographical regions and cultures:
In this course, you will be able to learn to appreciate different cultures in the world and also learn about the land availability and resource availability and how has each culture shaped itself to be what it is today.